
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Workers’ Compensation Seminar for Employers Set for August 18th in Springfield

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce has announced that they will be hosting a three-hour seminar at the state Chamber offices in Springfield (215 E. Adams Street). Michael Bantz of Inman…

Friday, June 26, 2020
$7.8 Million in ‘Broadband Access’ Grants Awarded Will Help Homes, Farms & Businesses

Over 2,000 Homes, Businesses, Farms Get Tech Help State Rep. Blaine Wilhour has been informed that three grants have been awarded in the 107th District to help expand internet capabilities…

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Rep. Wilhour Reminds of the Need for Blood Donors

Blood Drives Coordinated Through the American Red Cross Rep. Wilhour joins the effort to urged civic groups, churches and organizations that normally host blood drives to remember blood collection is…

Monday, June 22, 2020
Rep. Wilhour Urges Local Businesses to Consider Applying for BIG (Business Interruption Grants) Program

$40 Million Available to Restaurants, Salons, & Gyms State Rep. Blaine Wilhour is urging local businesses to consider applying for grant monies through a new program beginning today, June 22,…

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Rep. Wilhour Encourages Families to Enjoy Outdoors This Father’s Day Weekend; Free Fishing in IL

State Rep. Blaine Wilhour is encouraging people to take advantage of the annual Illinois Free Fishing Days celebration that is slated for June 19 – 22, coinciding with Father’s Day…

Friday, June 12, 2020
Nominations Sought for Senior Hall of Fame Awards: Dept. on Aging Extends Deadline to August 31

State Rep. Blaine Wilhour is encouraging people in the community to nominate deserving senior citizens in the community for the 2020 Senior Hall of Fame Awards coordinated by the Illinois…

Thursday, June 11, 2020
Farmers Receive Extension for Dicamba Application

State Rep. Blaine Wilhour co-signed a letter to the governor this week to request an extension by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) on the use of dicamba application. Dicamba…

Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Applicant Briefings for Local Governments, Nonprofits and Houses of Worship to Apply for Federal COVID-19 Funding

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is working with county emergency managers throughout the state to ensure local governments impacted by COVID-19 have all documents and paperwork necessary to qualify…

Thursday, May 28, 2020
Rep. Wilhour Reports that FOID & CCL Renewals Are Extended 12 Months following the State’s Disaster Proclamation

IL State Police Web Site – More Information HERE Firearms Owners Identification (FOID) card holders and Concealed Carry License (CCL) holders, who submit their renewal application will remain valid during…

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Reopening Plan for June 2nd at Downstate Driver Facilities

Driver Services Facilities Will focus on New Drivers, Expired DL/IDs and Vehicle Transactions through July 31 Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced today his office’s reopening plan – beginning…