Rep. Wilhour: “Pritzker is Worst Governor in the Nation for Working Families!”

Rep. Blaine Wilhour addresses the media at the State Capitol after the State of the State and Budget Address by the Governor today.

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Rep. Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) had this to say after Illinois Governor JB Pritzker gave his State of the State and Budget address to a joint session of the General Assembly today:

“Well, you know you are losing when you have to resort to calling your political opponents Nazis. That’s completely disgusting and unfortunately par for the course for JB Pritzker. He is proving more and more every day that he’s just a disgusting loser. He’s having a lot of trouble coming to grips with the fact that he will never be the president, and that really troubles him. But the American people reject the stupid “B.S.” that he puts out.

“JB likes to pay lip service to working families, but I can tell you there has not been a governor in the nation that’s been worse for working families than JB Pritzker! He doubled the utility bills with the green new scam that they passed in Illinois. He doubled the gas tax. Both are extremely regressive towards poor and middle-income families. He’s trapping kids in dangerous and failing schools.

“He’s wasted hundreds of billions of dollars in federal money and now leaves us with over a $3 billion hole in the budget that’s going to lead us to even higher taxes, and it’s going to lead local governments to raise property taxes to try to make up for it.

“This is his legacy. None of it’s good for average Illinois citizens.

“If we are going to get things going in this state, we’ve got to change the way we are doing business. We need massive deregulation, especially with energy. That is key to lowering inflation. We need to lower the cost of doing business including reforming workers compensation system and corporate taxes.

“We need to be attractive to investment. That means a one hundred percent “expensing” on people that want to bring jobs to Illinois. I’m talking “expensing” land, operations, and equipment. We need to be aggressive. That’s the best pro-growth policy out there.

“We are going to have to deal with property taxes. It’s absolutely killing our industrial potential. People don’t ever own anything. We need education freedom!

“If we started doing some of these things we would get out of the bottom of all of these lists and there would be more opportunity in Illinois, and we could start to live up to our potential.
