Rep. Wilhour’s Kids Fishing Derby Big Success at Carlyle Lake

Rep. Blaine Wilhour pictured with the kids who caught the biggest fish that day, also named Blayne.

A big thank you to my office staff, volunteers, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and all of the participants in our first “Kids Fishing Derby!” We had a great turnout of 120 participants and family members at the Visitor Center’s Willow Pond this past Saturday! Army Corps Rangers teamed up with us and the IDNR Director of Outreach, Jeramie Strickland, to give kids a memorable experience in the great outdoors! Anglers ages 4-15 were awarded prizes for biggest fish caught (Blayne), most fish caught (20), and sportsmanship (Cub Scout Pack 446-Centralia).