State Rep. Blaine Wilhour (107th District) joined Rep. Charlie Meier (108th District) and Senator Jason Plummer (54th District) for the monthly luncheon meeting of the Greater Centralia Chamber of Commerce. This month’s meeting was held at the Greenview Golf Club facility.
Rep. Wilhour and the others provided a brief update on Veto Session and the recent issues of corruption with members of both the Illinois House and Illinois Senate. Most of the time was reserved for questions from the business community. A question was asked about the new marijuana law and how businesses are going to operate with a conflict between the federal law and the new state law.

The new $15/ hour minimum wage mandate was also an issue of concern and a discussion included whether or not there might be a possibility to amend the law to recognize the different economy in the southern region of the state.

Another topic of interest was the Illinois Separation movement that some want to separate from the City of Chicago. Rep. Wilhour did not dismiss the idea out of hand and talked about why people all around his district seem to be in favor of such an option.